Hair care has always been an important part of our daily lives for ages. Amla, reetha and shikakai found in so many ayurvedic shampoos now a days has been used by our great grandmothers and grandmothers for a long time. They had long, thick, luscious locks for as far as we can remember.
Whether it’s a tried-and-true skin care regimen, how often you wash your hair, or the cosmetics you are curious about, beauty is personal. All individual needs vary from another, depending on their hair and scalp type.
Ayurveda for your hair:
Ayurveda is an ancient practice based on identifying the humours of the body and their relationship to the natural elements: air, wind, water, fire and ether.
To get optimal hair growth one needs to understand the basics of Ayurveda. Nourishing shampoo for your lovely tresses can be found in Ayurveda. Shampoo is meant to cleanse your scalp and remove traces of dirt, dust and pollution.
Ayurveda identifies three predominant doshas, or constitutions, known as Vata, Kapha and Pitta. Everyone has a combination of one or two or all three. Each dosha influences the internal organs, as well as the persons physique, attributes and emotions.
Ayurvedic experts believe that an imbalance in doshas causes illness. These imbalances can affect various parts of the body, including the hair and how it grows.
Nourishing shampoos are conditioning shampoos that both clean and condition the hair. When the water concentration is low, the shampoo cleanses the hair and removes all sort of impurities from it. Then when the water concentration is high in the rinse phase, a thin layer of conditioner coats the hair, giving you a soft and smooth effect.
Vata hair quality:
A vata person has a higher proportion of air and ether. A person with balanced vata dosha is likely to have naturally wavy hair and a rather dry scalp.
They will have porous hair which can absorb dyes and products well. This type of hair also absorbs smoke, dust and other toxins from the environment. Hence, prone to breakage and damage.
Imbalance in vata dosha can lead to oily scalp with itchy dandruff and hairfall or very slow hair growth. Healthy hair shampoos can improve your scalp’s health.
Kapha hair quality:
A kapha person has a higher proportion of earth and water. Balanced kapha dosha will likely have naturally curly hair with coarse texture and an oily scalp.
The hair follicle is often very dense and doesn’t take in nutrients or dyes easily. When this dosha is unbalanced, hair may become fine and brittle, and may break easily. Shampoos for dry hair can work wonders for your kapha type hair.
People with kapha dominance are less likely to experience hair loss. Their hair grows at a very slow rate.
Pitta hair quality:
Pitta types have a greater proportion of fire and water or fire and air. A person with balanced pitta dosha will likely have naturally straight, silky hair.
Their hair is moderately resistant to hair dyes, colours, because the hair follicle is typically dense. This means it is resistant to both topically applied nutrients and air-pollution. Nourishing shampoos for fine hair can help maintain the health of the hair.
An imbalanced pitta dosha can cause dryness or oiliness in the scalp, depending on the proportions of air and water. This may also result in hair loss and sluggish hair growth.
Ayurvedic hair care tips:
Since everyone’s dosha is different no one type of hair care regimen can work for all. The following factors all make up comprehensive ayurvedic hair care:
- Healthy mind and emotions.
- Optimal nutrition
- Hair oiling and washing
- Scalp massage
- Herbal treatments
Mind and emotions:
Ayurveda strongly believes that all the root of problems lies in our mind. All our dosha related imbalances begin with imbalance in our mind and emotions.
Stress is a major player when it comes to hair loss and poor quality of hair. Be sure not to take unnecessary stress and use some meditation techniques to maintain healthy hair quality. When you do not take stress, you will have fine looking nourished hair.
Optimal nutrition:
Nutrition plays a pivotal role when it comes to maintaining good health of your hair. Eating right nutritious food can be give you shiny hair and help you grow your hair as well.
Basic practices include:
- A diet rich in dosha-specific fruits and vegetables
- A moderate amount of healthy fat, like ghee and nuts
- Digestive aids like cumin, turmeric, ginger and honey
- Herbal supplements like Triphala to balance the doshas
Dosha specific fruits and vegetables could be:
- Heavy and nourishing foods for Vatas
- Cooling and calming food for pittas
- Bitter or astringent food for pittas
Food with balanced proportion of vitamins and minerals along with optimum proteins are the best.
A moderate amount of ghee and nuts nourishes the body with healthy fats. Fats can also translate into shiny well-nourished hair.
Small amounts cumin, turmeric, ginger and honey aid the digestive juices to promote absorption of nutrients.
Hair oiling and washing:
Hair oils nourish the hair follicles as well as the scalp. Adding oiling to your routine can encourage hair growth and deeply moisturises the hair you have.
The best oil types could be:
- Almond or sesame oil for Vatas
- Coconut or almond oil for Pittas
- Olive oil for Kaphas
It is ideal to oil your hair twice a week and then shampoo it afterwards. If you shampoo your hair more frequently then needed your hair loses all the natural moisture and become dry.
Scalp massage:
Ayurveda always recommends a warm oil head massage followed by 20 minutes of rest before washing your hair
Herbal hair care:
Fruits of reetha and shikakai plants are added to warm water and converted into soapy, frothy and shampoo like product. This mixture maintains the moisture of the hair strand, and water is used to clean and nourish the hair.
Along with warm herbal oils, herbs can also be included in scalp and hair masks, cold and warm hair rinses and hair teas or soaks.
Hair tea or rinse can be made with simple herbs like rose petals, green tea leaves, neem, tulsi or holy basil, amla, henna and hibiscus.
Our hair shows the overall health of the body. Proper hair care is about taking care of the hair as well the overall body.
Ayurvedic hair care is just one part of a holistic self-care routine that can lead to increased hair growth and shiny and healthy hair.