bleeding piles treatment ayurveda

Effective ways to Treat Piles

Piles can be extremely painful and make your day-to-day life quite uncomfortable. Here are a few ways to get rid of haemorrhoids or piles. Take a look:

1. Take a warm Sitz bath

In a traditional sitz bath, you have to soak your anus area in few inches of warm water. You have to fill the tub with water and then sit on it. This helps in relaxing the tissue around the anus area and promotes circulation. Put a cup of Epsom salt in it and then sit for a few minutes. This clears the area, avoids inflammation and cleanses the space between the rectum and the scrotum.

2. Try ayurvedic treatment for bleeding piles

Ayurveda offers a fast and natural solution for treating bleeding piles. Ayurvedic medicines mainly focus on shrinking the swollen haemorrhoids. Herbs like haritaki, chitrak, sunthi, pippalimool, and Bel help in easing the pain of bleeding piles. If you are looking for effective ayurvedic treatment for bleeding piles, check our product at

3. Apply warm compress

Applying warm towel on the affected area also helps soothe the pain and inflammation. Soak a towel in warm water and press the area with the towel for a few minutes. Do this for several times in a day.

4. Use Apple Cider Vinegar

If you are suffering from external haemorrhoids, try applying apple cider vinegar on them.  Use clear cotton balls and dab the area with the vinegar. It might sting, but this will stop the irritation. In case you have internal haemorrhoids, drink a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar regularly. If you cannot bear the taste, mix it with something (preferably water) and then drink.

5. Maintain Hygiene

Maintaining hygiene is an important aspect in treating piles. This helps in preventing any further complications such as infections, excessive dryness. Use unscented cotton wipes to clear the area. Do not use regular toilet paper to wipe the area. Baby wipes are most effective in keeping the area clean.

6. Apply astringent lotion

Witch hazel is a great antioxidant and helps sooth the inflammation. You can apply it on the affected area. This helps relieve pain and itchiness. Regular use of witch hazel shrinks the haemorrhoids, and eventually, it goes away.

7. Apply aloe vera gel

Aloe Vera gel is great for easing itchiness and discomfort. It helps inhibit infection and soothes soreness.

8. Ice Packs

Applying cold compresses or ice packs on the affected area also helps in treating piles. Of course, it is much helpful for treating minor ones. Apply an ice pack to the affected area 2-3 times a day. This eventually shrinks the haemorrhoids.

9. Essential oils

Essential oils are known for their healing effect. You can apply a blend of essential oils on the affected area. Put a few drops of essential oils to base oil (such as olive, almond or castor oil). Mix well and then apply on the affected area. You can use a mix of Lavender Oil (for pain relief), Tea Tree oil (as an antiseptic), and Cypress oil (for healing the tissues).

We hope that these methods will help you treat your condition in a natural way.

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