How To Reduce Stress Levels During Quarantine

In this fast paced world, suddenly all of life has come to a screeching halt. While for some it has been a welcome respite from the daily rigmarole, for most others this quarantine has become cause for stress and anxiety. Normally, one would visit a spa, salon, go the beach, meet friends and family to refuel themselves, however, these activities have now become a luxury we have no idea when we will be able to enjoy again.

But stress needs to be taken care of as mounting stress and anxiety can lead to more severe mental health issues like panic attacks and depression. Being stuck within the confines of four walls with no access to the outside can dangerously aggravate these conditions leading one to lose complete control over negative thoughts and emotions. However, it doesn’t need to reach that stage as there are several ways to reduce stress. Here are our top 3:

Practicing Mindfulness

Most anxiety is triggered due to uncertainty – uncertainty about the future of work, career, relationships, etc. The questions are what, when, how will this happen. But there is no answer. Practicing mindfulness helps you to stay in the present moment by focusing more on your actions rather than your thoughts. The way to practice mindfulness is to slow down and become more conscious of actions rather than operating on autopilot. As attention is diverted to actions, it becomes to focus on the present rather than constantly worrying about what is going to happen.

Another way to practice mindfulness is to meditate on your thoughts. Sit in a comfortable position and observe your thoughts. Come face to face with the things that are bothering and understand why they bother you so much. This will take you deep into your consciousness to discover answers to these questions. One by one, as you deal with your thoughts you can allow them to float away peacefully into the Universe.

Regular Head Massages

You may not be able to visit the spa or the salon but a head massage is something you can very easily do at home. If you are quarantined with a family member or a friend or a roommate, you can make head massages a fun activity that you can do for one another. Make sure you use an oil that has stress-reducing ingredients like Kaunch and Brahmi that will not only nourish your hair but release natural chemicals that will relax your scalp muscles as well as antioxidants that will reduce the chemical imbalance caused due to stress.

A great option is JMD Medico’s Otine Hair Oil that is enriched with numerous herbs to help your hair grow, nourish your roots as well as reduce stress levels.

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Make Yourself Some Essential Oils

We all know by now that essential oils are great for medicinal purposes and aromatherapy. During the lockdown only necessary items are being delivered and if you don’t already have oils at home and you really want some, you may be thinking it’s a lost cause. However, all is not lost as you can very easily make your own oils at home. You can use a range of fruits, flowers and herbs that are already present in your kitchen to make these oils.

To make your very own batch of essential oil, you will need a base oil, this could be olive, coconut or grapeseed oil. In this article, we are sharing the process to make lemon essential oil but you can absolutely any ingredient from your kitchen to do this.

Grate lemon, lime or even orange skin into a small steel or glass bowl. The quantity of oil should be just enough to completely submerge the zest, not more, not less. After this, double boil the lemon zest until the fragrance of lemon becomes strong and noticeable. You can test the fragrance by taking out a small spoonful of the oil and smelling it. Using a muslin cloth drain all the oil into your choice of container ensuring that no lemon zest gets into the oil lest it ruins your beautiful DIY project.

Finally decorate the container with your choice of art or craft and place it somewhere you will see it often. Not only will you have created a beautiful essential oil by yourself, doing this will also give you a sense of accomplishment, take your mind off the quarantine and of course, using it will reduce your stress levels and who knows, maybe even result in you discovering a new passion. Some options for oils are lemongrass, lavender, rose, cinnamon, and jasmine.

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